2020 TSTH 3rd Regular Academic Meeting
時間:民國109年11月14日 (週六) 9:30 - 15:30
地點:台灣大學醫學院 104講堂(台北市中正區仁愛路一段1號)
時 間 |
題 目 |
演講者 |
09:30~09:50 |
註冊 |
09:50~10:00 |
開幕致詞 |
彭慶添 理事長 |
專題演講 I |
Moderator:沈銘鏡教授 |
10:00~11:00 |
The importance of collage IV bound FIX in the extravasculature (視訊) |
Darrel Stafford/ UNC-CH |
11:00~11:20 |
Coffee Break |
會員演講I |
Moderator:邱世欣教授 |
11:20~11:40 |
Successful treatment with Rivaroxaban for venous thromboembolism in children: Two Cases Report |
楊閔皓 醫師/ 中山醫院 |
11:40~12:00 |
A case of cavernous malformation complicated with consumption coagulopathy treated with antiangiogenic agents |
林敬業 醫師/ 彰化基督教醫院 |
12:00~12:30 |
Lunch |
專題演講 II |
Moderator:彭慶添教授 |
12:30~13:10 |
Origin and timing of de novo mutation in type 2 vWD |
沈銘鏡教授/ 彰化基督教醫院 |
會員演講II |
Moderator:林東燦教授 |
13:10~13:30 |
Rituximab for treatment of acquired hemophilia A |
張鴻 醫師/ 林口長庚醫院 |
13:30~13:50 |
The first reported case of congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in Taiwan with novel mutation of ADAMTS13 gene and literature review |
周聖傑 醫師/ 台大醫院 |
13:50~14:10 |
Overview of PEG safety in Treatment of Hemophilia |
翁德甫 醫師/ 中山醫院 |
14:10~14:30 |
Coffee Break |
會員演講III |
Moderator:徐會棋教授 |
14:30~14:50 |
Gastrointestinal angiodysplasia in patients with severe von Willebrand disease |
王建得 醫師/ 台中榮總 |
14:50~15:10 |
Developing a Prediction Model for Individualized Prophylaxis from Real-World Practice of EHL rFVIII in Patients with Hemophilia A |
張家堯 醫師/ 台北醫學院 |
15:10~15:30 |
Comparison of Platelet Parameters in the Patients with JAK2 V617F Mutated Essential Thrombocytosis and Reactive Thrombocytosis |
吳懿峰 醫師/ 花蓮慈濟醫院 |
15:30~15:40 |
閉幕致詞 |
沈銘鏡教授 |