時間 | 題目 | 演講者 |
12:30~13:00 | 註冊 | |
13:00~13:05 | 開幕致詞 | 彭慶添 理事長 |
13:05~13:10 | 林東燦 理事 | |
13:10~13:25 | A case of phlegmasia cerulea dolens in a severe cirrhosis patient manifesting a rebalanced hemostasis | 黃晟維 醫師 彰化基督教醫院 |
13:25~13:35 | 討論 | |
13:40~13:55 | Characterization of inherited coagulation factor VII deficiency in Taiwan: ide ntification of two novel F7 genetic variants with genotypes in patients with intracranial hemorrhage | 林炫聿 醫師 彰化基督教醫院 |
13:55~14:05 | 討論 | |
14:10~14:25 | Developing hu manize d mouse models as a testing platform for immune tolerance induction therapy for hemophilia A patients with inhibitors | 陳立夫 研究生 台大醫技系 |
14:25~14:35 | 討論 | |
14:35~14:50 | Coffee Break | |
特別演講 | 彭慶添 理事長 | |
14:50~15:25 | Update of hemophilia management: Long-term prophylaxis and how to define success? | 王建得 醫師 台中榮總 |
15:25~15:35 | 討論 | |
15:35~15:40 | 林正修 常務監事 | |
15:40~15:55 | Case sharing: A patient with afibrinogenemia underwent brain surgery which managed with fibrinogen concentrate | 周聖傑 醫師 台大醫院 |
15:55~16:05 | 討論 | |
16:05~16:20 | Laboratory monitor of factor VIII: perceive in the era of emicizumab | 翁德甫 醫師 中山附醫 |
16:20~16:30 | 討論 | |
16:30~16:45 | Chest pain after COVID 19 infection, bad luck or last straw ? | 許琬宜 醫師 高醫附醫 |
16:45~16:55 | 討論 | |
16:55~17:00 | 閉幕致詞 | 沈銘鏡榮譽 理事長 |